Older People
Social activities for older people to keep active, reduce social isolation, and promote well-being.

The Wednesday Club
The Wednesday Club is a social club for older people. Each week there is gentle exercise; a talk, activity, or workshop; and time for a brew and a catch-up with friends
Contact: mary@theorrelltrust.co.uk
1:30pm – 3:30pm
For older people

Memory Café
Down Orrell Hey is our friendly memory café supporting local people living with dementia or memory loss, their carers, family, and friends.
Our memory café is a place to meet new friends, take part in stimulating games and activities, and access support from our team. You can also find out more about dementia or memory loss and be signposted to local opportunities and support. After the conclusion of the memory café clients are welcome to stay for our community lunch.
Please Note: The weekly memory café is currently paused. We are still supporting those living with memory loss. Please contact Mary for more information.
Contact: mary@theorrelltrust.co.uk
10:30am – 12pm
For older people

Café Thursday
Our community centre is open every Thursday as a warm and welcoming space for the community. All are welcome to pop in for a brew, a light lunch, and a friendly welcome. Lunch is served at 12pm.
Contact: mary@theorrelltrust.co.uk
10am – 3pm
For the community

Orrell Arts Café
A drop-in arts for wellbeing space where you can try your hand at a variety of creative techniques.
Contact: mary@theorrelltrust.co.uk
1pm – 3pm
For the community

Crochet Group
A friendly and supportive group to learn or improve crocheting skills, whilst having a brew and making new friends.
Contact: mary@theorrelltrust.co.uk
10:30am – 12pm
For the community