The Wednesday Club

Started in June 2016, this now established group for over 55’s meets every Wednesday between 1.45 and 3.45pm (apart from half terms and seasonal holidays). And for just £2 club members enjoy half an hour of chair-based exercise, an hour’s activity before enjoying a hot drink, some fresh fruit and a catch up on all the news from friends.

Recent activities have included a talk from Marie Curie, a sing a long, some first aid training and learning how chocolates are made! We also make the odd trip out!

If you are interested in joining in the fun, then please ring or come along to see us one afternoon.

Call Mary on 0151 933 2116.

Drop in Coffee Morning & Crochet group

What do you do on Friday mornings between 10.00am and 12.00pm?

If the answer is not a lot, then why don’t you pop in and see us for a brew and toast? Everybody welcome.

If you are feeling creative, then Natalie our ‘crafty’ volunteer can show you how to crochet! With easy step by step guidance you can create some amazing items and learn a new skill at the same time.

All sessions are free, however donations are welcome.

‘Just some of the lovely items that get created on a Friday morning’

We are always looking for an extra pair of hands at on Friday mornings, if you can spare a couple of hours a week please go to our ‘Get Involved Section’.

‘Soup in a Basket’

In January 2017, this newly funded luncheon club was launched. Initially funded by Living Well Sefton for 12 months, we are now self-sufficient. On the last Thursday of every month we serve freshly made soup and sandwiches and home baked cake. It is a drop in between 12 and 1.30 but guests don’t rush of, everyone stays for a catch up with friends old and new and playing board games has got very competitive! Food choices alter monthly and it will only cost you £2. All we ask is that you are over 55.

Bootle Buddies

If you are aged 55 or over or know someone who is lonely, isolated, needs support to get out and about or is unable to get out then we might be able to help. A volunteer befriender could visit you in your own home, accompany you to an activity or going to the shops or meet you for a coffee and a chat. All volunteers are trained and have had a DBS (old CRB) checks carried out.

Please get in touch if you know someone who would benefit from this service or if you would like to help us in any way.

Squashie Play

Our two-hour soft play session for under 5’s is growing from strength to strength with new members joining every week. If you would like to come along with your children or grandchildren, we would love to see you.

Every Monday 9.30am to 11.30am (Excluding school half terms). Cost: £3 for the first child and £1 for each additional child.

Jolly Soap Opera Mob

The Jolly Soap Opera Mob is a group for young disabled adults age 18 – 30 years. The social group encourage young people to increase their confidence, learn new skills, meet new people and most of all have fun.

The group is supported by our two sessional workers Ronnie and Sue who develop and deliver a packed programme of activities such as trips out, cookery, drama products, singing & dancing plus much more.

If you know anybody who would like to come along to our group, contact Tanya on 0151 933 2116.

The group runs every Monday 6.30pm – 8.30pm (excluding school half terms).

You can contact me in the following ways:-

Email :
Tel: 0151 933 2116
Tanya McGibbon – Project Manager

Makers Market

The Orrell Trust’s first Makers Market at St John & St James Church and Community Centre and attracted over 20 stalls offering the community a wide range of handmade and unusual produce and gift items.

Over the course of the day, over 150 people came along to support the event and bag themselves some early Christmas presents.

It is important for us to support local entrepreneurs, crafters and makers and our markets give them the opportunity to showcase their products.

We have a further three markets planned in 2018.
•Spring Market on Saturday 14th April 2018, 11am – 3pm.
•Summer Market: Saturday 21st July 2018, 11.00am – 3.00pm
•Winter Market: Saturday 24th November 2018, 11.00am – 3.00pm

If you would like to book a stall, please contact Tanya on 0151 933 2116

Get involved: Volunteering with us

Here at The Orrell Trust we have lots of opportunities for you to get involved. We want to offer volunteering that is both challenging and rewarding. Whether you want the chance to give something back to the community or make a difference to the people around them or to develop new skills, experience and knowledge then we may have a project that will suit you.

You can give as much or as little time as you like, and we will support you all the way offering guidance and training.

Our current volunteering opportunities are:

Older peoples projects: Volunteer

Community Befriender – Help us to reduce loneliness and isolation by visiting a person in their own home. This may be just for a cuppa and a chat or to help to increase their confidence and where possible encourage them to get involved in their local community. (Various hours to suit you)

Soup in a basket – Our Soup in a basket volunteer will help at our monthly luncheon club your role will include taking orders, serving food to participants, chatting and socialising with members of the community who come along for this great social afternoon. (Once a month – Last Thursday 12pm – 2pm)

Jolly Soap Opera Mob: Support volunteer – Working alongside our two sessional workers to support this fun group of young disabled adults, the volunteer role will include setting up for the session, getting involved in activities with group members, supporting staff to supervise the session, assisting with the planning and development of new activities, supporting trips out. (This role will require a current DBS certificate). (Every Monday 6pm – 9pm)

Coffee & Crochet: Kitchen Volunteer – Help out in the kitchen to prepare tea, coffee and hot toast for our group members. (Every Friday 10.00am – 12.00pm)

General/ Fundraising Volunteer – As a general or fundraising volunteer you will get involved in some of our one-off events and fundraisers, these may include helping at our quiz nights, serving refreshments at our Makers Market or even hosting a stall at a Stand up to cancer Bake off stall. (Hours to suit you).

All our above opportunities will provide you with the chance to meet lots of new people as well as supporting your community. You can volunteer for one or more of the opportunities above simply get in touch with Tanya or Mary for more details on 0151 933 2116,,

Fundraising events

Throughout the year The Orrell Trust supports national campaigns such as “Macmillan’s Big Coffee morning”, “Stand up to Cancer” and “Comic Relief” as well as organising our own in-house fundraisers to support new and existing projects.

Some of our fundraiser have included:
•Quiz nights
•Drama productions
•Sponsored “sing a long”
•Bring & Buy sales.

Our next Fundraisers are:

Stand up to Cancer Bake Off sales – All welcome, 23rd, 25th, 26th & 27th April 2018 – contact Tanya or Mary for more details about how you can help on 015 933 2116.

25th May 2018 – Quiz night 6pm – 9pm £5.00 for adults, £2.50 for Children or team of 4 for £12.50 – Tickets available from Tanya or Mary at St John & St James Church and Community Centre.

Look out on our Facebook and Twitter ages to find our upcoming fundraisers are.


Twitter: @tanorrelltrust & @maryorrelltrust

The Orrell Trust was originally set up between St John & St James, and two other churches in the Orrell area, with the aim of helping the people of Orrell but ensuring a Christian ethos. However, over recent years the Trustees have changed.

The Orrell Trust is a Registered Charity No; 1096549 and a Company Limited by Guarantee No. 4425137.